exhibition engine
Gameover (an exhibition originally held at the
Museum of Design Zurich in 2000)
featured a full blown "exhibition engine" for displaying media in a museum without
curatorial intervention.
Anyone could upload artwork (in this case related to the gaming community)
to the gameover website. The user was asked to tag each piece with information and the works themselves
were also subject to automated analysis.
Using this information the pieces were added to a self-organising
Kohonen map.
In the Museum, a series of projectors displayed related pieces
(selected by traversing the Kohonen map) in synchronised console-mode browser windows.
The relationship between each image on display could be quite surprising.
After a time the next group was again randomly selected.
The projections could be followed live on the gameover website.
This project was part funded by the
Swiss National Science Foundation.
Copyright Note: Gameover - Open Source Project 1999
Version 2.467, 2012-05-29T11:02:54+02:00